My Aunt Cinky

Created by fabflo227 11 years ago
I was one when I met her ,after her graduation from Miss Hall's,and sat beside her on the swing on B a's terrace. Even then she was larger than life. When she was little, she had a head of golden curls a substantial physique and would not let either her siblings or the governess into the sandbox. She turned into a party girl and gave the best ones.Whether because of genetics or her joie de vivre, there has never been a Dalrymple who wouldn't play a game! When she was at Smith College, Ba and Bampa gave a big party for her at their house. At midnight, she whisked some of the guests away to the Lyceum Theater in Minneapolis and persuaded the famous drummer, Gene Krupa, to go back to the house and play by the fountain while the goldfish frolicked to Night Train below. Bampa looked down from above, complaining that he "didn't know the fathers or mothers of a single one of them!" Her nieces and nephews were the first to learn the Sardines game in which Cinky hid until others found her and squeezed in until the last man showed up. Once we were all stumped and Uncle Had found her waiting in the closet with a martini!She was he Queen of Slap Jack and Charades. Each Thanksgiving she would arrange a "tableau" in which we rifled Ba's closets for costumes and Cinky did the props and makeup. Most were pilgrims and Indians, except Susan (Priscilla) and Tex(John Alden)who refused to "speak for himself!" When I was old enough to stay at Ba's lake place, Cinky would play jazz and sing on the grand piano. She was especially good at Organ Grinder's Swing. All of the nieces and nephews went to Washington DC to stay at Cinky's for 10 days at age 11 to see Our Country's Capital. As the first, I got to see Our Country's Capital, visit the Congress, try bean soup,watch the Kefauver Hearings and meet several dreamy Senate pages. Our Aunt Cynthia was a marvelous person. She won swimming races, first class tickets, political campaigns, and the hearts of all who met her. She had blonde hair and outrageous earrings every day of her life, and I loved her to pieces. Florri McMillan