From Linwood Holton

Created by stairzz 11 years ago
If anyone EVER had a wonderful life, It was Cynthia; she covered every base and enjoyed every single one!! My time with her goes back to when I was a very young lawyer in Roanoke, practicing some law but concentrating on trying to build a Republican Party in Virginia. Though I didn't know it at first, Cynthia was doiing the same thing at the same time in Fairfax county.It wasn't long before we discovered each other and formed a prtnership that sought, and reached, that same goal--a lasting , vital Two party system in Virginia that will serve our people forever ! What satisfaction we each got from reaching the goal, but more immportant, what fun we had in getting there ! Her passing makes all of us think of some of those wonderful events that we shared : She and I spoke briefly as we exchanged places on the Eisenhower train in Lyinchburg--I got off after travelling from Roanoke, and she got on to continue the journey to Northern Virginia. " Jinks said "Yes", I reported to her after my now "Bride" had responded affirmatively to my proposal of marriage ! Wow !! That was a long time ago !! After some successes. including a President and THREE Congressmen, Newt came on the scene and soon we were concentrating on a governor's race--Cynthya and Newt procured the first Holton bumper strips--green and black colors and cash to start paying for the beginning effort ! Skipping over to the second Gov race, in 1969. Cynthia was one of the four who endorsed the $100,000.00 note which gave us the seed money to begin the winning race --the point is that she was not only a great friend but also a very important supporter of an effort that was very important to both of us. And after we won, there she was ---holding down her spot at Waters Travel, but also commuting to Richmond on a half time basis to see that the new Republican Administration had the right personnel to be successful . And it wasn't all politics : the visits at 3535 Half Moon Drive, the weekends at Bryces Mountain--remember Cinky Ba on skis ?--the F Street Club with real Astrranouts in attendance, the New Years vacations in Aitigua--what a glorious life and what a privilege for us to have shared it with her ! We won't be with you physically Monday, but we will spiritually and every other way. " Hello" from Jinks and me to all the family and to the friends who will be there. It's a crowd that we love and wish that we were joining at this great celebration of a life that inspired us all !!